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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Visit to Augusta


G'Ma and G'Pa Boerner hosted a wonderful 4-day, 3-night extravaganza for lots of grandchildren (our 5, plus Clay, Andrew, and Trent) and several adults. The children (ranging in age from 8 to 19) slept at the house while the out-of-town parents (Ed, Myra, Francie, and Susan) were treated to hotel rooms each evening. What a treat for all of us! Uncle Andre, Aunt Margot, Aunt Carmen, and Uncle John also joined us for some of the festivities. G'Ma always has so many fun activities planned, with every detail thought out to perfection!

We ate, played Chinese Checkers, went to Fort Discovery, ate, swam at the pool, saw a movie, ate, played Spades, swam some more, celebrated at Cici's, caught up with each other's news, ate some more, swam again, and had our grand finale at Athens Restaurant, where several ordered the "Morning Nightmare" before we headed back home to Acworth...(Wow, so much food for this gang! Thanks so much for all your efforts!)

Here are some photos of some of the things we did...

"Yes, I'm SURE Bob wants to purchase that many tickets..."

"Has anyone seen any bugs?"

Genius at work...

A few Human Gyroscopes...

A night at Cici's...

Breakfast at Athens Greek Restaurant...

The Acworth 7 and our roots!

After all is said and done, G'Ma and G'Pa are still smiling...Life definitely IS good! Thank you, G'Ma and G'Pa! We love spending time with you. God has blessed us with wonderful parents/grandparents--YOU!

Sorry, ladies...the party's over...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Noah is Baptized!

On Sunday, July 8th, Noah was baptized by his dad. What a sweet understanding he has of what it means to follow Christ's example in believer's baptism. Noah often reminds us all of the awesomeness of God through his prayers and acts of faith. Our prayer is that Noah will know God's love throughout his life and that he will always strive to please Him in everything he does. Congratulations, Noah! We're very proud of you, and we love you!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Ladies Day Out

Myra's BFF, Sharon Mileshko, (friends for 29 years!) took her to the spa for a special birthday treat. Looks a little "spooky," don't you think?

What fun...Thanks, Sharon!